Poble Vell - Corbera d'Ebre Visual LightBox Gallery generated by VisualLightBox.com





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No perdem la sensibilitat i lluitem per conservar la nostra història perquè en un futur ens puguem sentir orgullosos dels corberans que un dia es van donar les mans i van intentar salvar el que els avis dels seus avis els hi van deixar.

Joaquim Clúa Julià


These tiles so characteristic that we find for some of the streets of the Poble Vell contain the drawing of the shells that mark the Way of Saint James.
In ancient times the Way began when you left your house and continued from village to village, which caused many small towns to be part of secondary roads of this pilgrimage path, among them the ancient village of Corbera d'Ebre. It has now fallen into disuse, but it remains a testimony to our history.














Poble Vell - Corbera d'Ebre Visual LightBox Gallery generated by VisualLightBox.com