Poble Vell - Corbera d'Ebre Visual LightBox Gallery generated by VisualLightBox.com




Jordi Siles
(Barcelona, 1948-2001)

The paintings of Jordi Siles slowly appear from the background of the canvas with effort and precision taking all its space to bring life to his favourite subjects: chess, billiards, cards and above all jazz which is an obsession throughout his work.

Nevertheless this does not limit him and it doesn’t mean that he didn’t risk his skills in other techniques such as illustration, scenography, cinematographic publicity, graphic design or comics. From 1966 he has exhibited in collective exhibitions. He was director of the Cultural Centre «Sala Gespa», in Barcelona from the year 1977 to 1987.

His works are found in private collections in Spain, France, Andorra, Argentina, Italy and Japan.

Poble Vell - Corbera d'Ebre Visual LightBox Gallery generated by VisualLightBox.com