Poble Vell - Corbera d'Ebre Visual LightBox Gallery generated by VisualLightBox.com



Public wash and drinking trough


Manuel and Rosita in the escape of the bombing in the book "The tall soldier" tells us that following the path that goes to the public washing of the town, they took refuge in a cottage next to the water deposit of Corbera.

These washrooms are located on the banks of the river Sec where the Font Vella of Corbera d'Ebre is preserved, with the fountain, some old public wash where some parts date from the seventeenth century and the drinking trough. Some parts of the set are original but the part of the public wash has been modified.

The structure of the construction follows the pattern of the most beautiful public wash existing in the Terra Alta, but, in this case, the whole is framed with a U-shaped wall. The ashlars are regular and well cut. The wall originally had different heights, aspect that is still preserved somewhere, but later rose next to the public wash.

The whole wall is topped with a molding, higher in the part of the source in origin. There are two distinctive elements of the group: the public wash are protected by a roof and the presence of some crude niches on the back wall touching the public wash. They were probably shelves for storing wet soap or some other object used to do the laundry.

They say that the big public wash was where they washed clothes, from home they carried a bucket with clothes, soap and bleach. And the small public wash room was where they rinsed the clothes. They also tell us that they took water to take home.

"Text extracted from number 51 del Butlletí del Centre d'Estudis de la Terra Alta by Loreto Meix Boira"



Poble Vell - Corbera d'Ebre Visual LightBox Gallery generated by VisualLightBox.com